• Residential home Kostice

    Residential home Kostice

    Interior of a residential home in the spirit of white colors and clean lines.

Custom family home

Nowadays, more and more importance is attached to a good, modern design. Architects are constantly trying to give something as ordinary as a family home new form, to find new meaning and use. Although the effort to push boundaries plays a major role in the design basis, it should always create a pleasant environment for family life.

Every home that we propose is original, directly tailored to the needs of their owners. It distinguishes them from all others and reflects their personality and lifestyle. Many times it’s a long term investment and not worth the compromise in places where you spend so much time.

On the other hand, all of the criteria still fit that are now a part of modern living. Its operation is economically efficient, environmentally friendly and combines the latest technology caring for the comfort and safety of the whole family.

128 m2

of living space


large rooms


months to deliver

128 m2

of living space


large rooms


months to deliver


“We at Archstyl believe that with the creation of a comfortable environment, comes the creation of a real family home.”

This young family deserves a certain amount of admiration for the courageous choice of beautiful, snow-white interior of this residential home in Czech Kostic. The dominant high-gloss surface in contrast to the coarse concrete brought some compromises. They were not just an obstacle but an underlined important role in today’s design. A modern classic interior brings greater opportunities for experimentation with materials.

Biela moderná kuchyňa, škandinávsky dizajn, pekné bývanie, lesklá dlažba
Obývacia izba s krbom, schodisko v interiéry, konferenčný stolík, škandinávsky dizajn
Jedáleň, dizajnové stoličky, škandinávsky dizajn


For a space to feel cozy, practical and at the same time pure in its essence, we indulged in wood. In harmony with other materials, wood had a positive and beneficial impact, though it does disguise a deeper meaning. With it, we achieved a pleasant feeling of home despite the popular opinion of white coldness. Wood is stiff, solid material.

Concrete plaster

Concrete plaster

Fireplace insert

Light oak

Light oak


Dark oak

Dub tmavý

Kitchen unit


The clients taste and favor of white glossy surfaces reflects the day area, which is most used in their family life, surrounded by his loved ones, memories and experiences. Therefore, we tried to incorporate that which is most natural in our lives to create the charm in the home.

  • Rodinný dom Kostice - pôdorys 1.NP

    Ground floor

    • Living room
    • Kitchen
    • Hallway
    • Bathroom
    • Guest room
    • Utility
    • Garage
  • Rodinný dom Kostice - pôdorys 1.NP

    First floor

    • Closet
    • Master bedroom
    • Bathroom
    • Hallway
    • Children’s room
    • Closet

The kitchen

Stylish design of the clamped cantilever staircase in solid wood was based on the strict separation of the two floors, where we integrated the wooden floor to reinforce the “strong tree” symbolism. The wooden floor in this area is a functional yet practical aspect in the relationship to the type of staircase with open risers.

Living room

An an imaginary circle we concluded enacted “treetops” in the form of family photographs and wooden flooring on the second floor in the area of the master bedroom and children’s room.

Schody v dome, betónová omietka
Moderná kúpelňa
Detská izba
Pracovný stôl v detskej izbe
Posteľ v detskej izbe

Interior accessories

In the kitchen and living room, we assed the designer lighting brand, Foscarini, because of its simplicity yet elegant shape, complementing the overall design. Color accents and diversity is supplied by the Eames chair in three different colors, which are randomly placed to break up the color uniformity. A pleasant family feeling is produced with the use of family photos in various sizes, with which its irregularity aesthetically brightens the entire area. For the tinier members of the family, we added the elephant/chair, Eames Elephant Chair.

Stolička Eames Blue
Stolička Eames White

Eames Plastic Side Chair DSW

The Eames plastic side chair is an icon of modern design. Charles and Ray Eames created the chair back in 1950 and worked on its development for nearly 10 years. Today it might not appear as so, but this piece of furniture was one of the first in history to be made of a new type of plastic, used at the time as a breakthrough technology – the injected press.

Project and implementation

Within this project, the owner decided to take full advantage of our package of services for residential homes. We developed the entire interior design studio, realistic visualization, and virtual reality tour. Thus, the owners were equipped with a complete overview of the project, even in the early stages when preparing a proposal, and could comprehensively picture the appearance of their future home.

The interior was furnished with a combination of freely available and custom-made furniture sets. For custom-made furniture, we developed manufactural drawings to ensure the quality of production. Warranties come with every tailor-made furniture, and in the event that it is needed, warranty service will be provided.

During project implementation, we developed the complete project documentation for all trades involved, detailed budget and the coordination of construction work and suppliers.

The interior design and preparation of documentation lasted 2.5 months. The implementation took 12 months to complete.

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Interior design


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  • Archstyl architects
  • Černyševského 26
  • 851 01 Bratislava
