• One bedroom apartment Kramáre

    One bedroom apartment Kramáre

    Interior design with Scandinavian elements and a collection of pop art.

Choosing your future home

While searching for a future home, many believe that they do not require assistance. Then again, others believe they are alone, and that no one is available to help.

In both cases it often happens that the decision we make during the purchase of our future home is not the best, or most effective. Ideally before making the purchase, the buyer should consider whether or not the home will be furnished by themselves or done with the help of an architect, possibly an interior designer.

If you choose to accept such services, it is a great advantage to do so as soon as possible. A good architect can help you evaluate potential properties, their current technical conditions, possibly recommend changes in the floor plan or future facilities, and last but not least, estimate the investment costs that await you on this trip.

We at Archstyl are continuously trying to help our clients by providing advice in selecting their future home in order to meet all their criteria while at the same time ensuring that it’s a good investment for the future.

62 m2

of living space


weeks to design


months to deliver

62 m2

of living space


weeks to design


months to deliver


“We’ve suppressed the interior design into the background and let the color - changing collection of art stand out.”

We designed the cozy two-room apartment in Kramáre in the spirit of simple lines with elements of Nordic design. The apartment owner favors the colorful art movement known as pop art. Their rich collection of posters, illustrations and photographs from famous photographers were asked to be kept in sight. Color and material composition of the furniture and other elements are therefore rather simple, having to adapt to the bright colors of pop art. You will not find any prominent design fads, since all the attention is focused on the owner’s collection. We’ve also thought ahead, creating enough space for new pieces, which can still be added to the collection.

Obývačka s kuchyňou, škandinávsky dizajn, sedacia súprava, drevený jedalenský stôl, dizajnové stoličky
Dizajnové stoličky a jedálensky stôl z masívneho dreva, závesné svietidlo, žiarovky
Industriálne žiarovky, kuchynské svietidlo, dizajnové stoličky, retro, pop-art
Biela kuchyňa, severský dizajn a biela kuchynská linka, vstavané spotrebiče
Biela kuchyňa v tvare písmena L, závesné svietidlo, interérové doplnky
Drevený jedálenský stôl


The interior is dominated by pure white paint on the walls and furniture. In the case of the kitchen cabinets, a high gloss is used, while the other furniture pieces sport a matte finish. The color scheme is complemented with subtle accents found in curtains or a significant dining table.

Lacquered beech

Lacquered beech


Light beige

Light beige

Tiles and paving

Bleached oak

Bleached oak


The bleached oak laminate also acts as a neutralizer. Essentially dull colors, however justified when combining with a wide range of colors that are provided by the owner’s collection of pop art posters and illustrations.

  • Pôdorys

    Floor plan

    • Entry
    • WC
    • Kitchen with living room
    • Bedroom
    • Closet
    • Bathroom


The interior is sunny and bright thanks to its southwest orientation. Its layout can be considered nowadays as standard, with subdivided day and night areas. What is missing is an entrance hall, which would visually separate the day area. This disadvantage we partially softened by extending the kitchen cabinets, thus creating a break between these two spaces.

Obývacia izba, obývacia stena na mieru, polica zavesená na strope, škandinávsky dizajn, konferenčný stolík
Konferenčný stolík v obývacej izbe
Závesná polica na mieru
Sedacia súprava a dizajnové doplnky

Day area

The day area is comprised of a kitchen connected to the living room. The kitchen area is dominated by the L-shaped countertop, with built-in appliances and glass screen. The rest of the room is beautifully separated by a custom-made dining table, supplemented by four designer chairs and NUD hanging lightbulbs. The area is relatively small, so the kitchen we’ve created a full kitchen with dining room.

The rest of the space is dedicated to the living room, where the accommodation is rather simple. Open shelves attract the view, which serve as a gallery for the owner’s collection of books and photography.

Night area

The bedroom space is adequate, but not very practical with its rectangular floor plan. This apparent disadvantage we’ve used to their advantage. From the unused space at the entrance to the bathroom, we created a closet. The closet space is generous, with lots of storage space that could easily make any wife’s dream come true.

Comfort for relaxation is also found in the bathroom, which in this apartment is available only through the bedroom. We’ve managed to include all necessary amenities that a modern woman would need, but still retain its simple design and character. From the amount of storage space, and large mirrors, to the built-in washing machine with combined bath and shower.

Spálňa, posteľ na mieru a nočný stolík
Dizajnové vešiačiky v tvare gombíka, dizajnové doplnky, škandinávsky dizajn
Kúpelňa so zrkadlom a skrinkou vyrobenou na mieru
Spálňa so šatníkom, kúpeľňa

Furniture and accessories

Furniture in the interior, besides the seating, were all designed and custom tailored. That fact that we created furniture exactly according to the customer’s needs, allowed total control over the look of the entire space. The design of the furniture takes on the colors and materials of the entire interior. A combination of matte and glossy white color creates harmony within the entire apartment and a sense of material consistency.

The simplicity of the interior is also seen in the accessories. There are not a lot of them there, however deliver an original touch. At the entrance we find a hanger in form of multicolored buttons, where in the main living area they are woven carpets from Nordic Day with a variety of geometric patterns.

  • Konferenčný stolík Tablo

    Conference table Tablo

    The Tablo table by the Danish designer furniture manufacturer Normann Copenhagen was fabricated by designer Nicholai Wiig Hansen. He was awarded the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2013. It is very simple, aesthetic and above all functional, without any unnecessary details. You can find it in numerous shapes and color combinations, so it will perfectly suit most Nordic interior furnishings.

  • Eames Plastic Side Chair DSR

    Eames Plastic Side Chair DSR

    The Eames plastic side chair used in the dining room is an ageless icon of modern design. Charles and Ray Eames created the chair back in 1950 and worked on its development for nearly 10 years. Today it might not appear as so, but this piece of furniture was one of the first in history to be made of a new type of plastic, used at the time as a breakthrough technology – the injected press.

  • Eames Plastic Side Chair DAR

    Eames Plastic Side Chair DAR

    Another chair from the Eames collection is the model DAR. Both models are made for interior use and have commonly shaped legs, inspired by the shape of the Eiffel Tower. The entire Eames collection of chairs are designed to be able to combine different models within the collection with variations of shapes and colors. The versatility of design is confirmed by the wide use in interiors such as kitchens, dining rooms, studies, offices and conference rooms.

Project and realization

In this case, the owner contacted us before purchasing the flat and was happy to let us in on the purchasing process. We put together a team to evaluate three potential apartments. Of all the offers, the one that best meet the demands was a bare bone apartment on Kramáre.

Even before the owner made the purchase, we created a framework proposal that helped her make the final decision. The apartment required minor structural modifications and electric wiring, however it wonderfully fulfilled all other criteria.

We developed the complete interior design, including the budget, realistic visualization, drawings for craft workers and designed custom furniture.

Design and preparation of the project took us two weeks. The entire interior was successfully executed and ready for occupancy in two months.

Photo: Marián Svítek


This interior was depicted in 7th issue of the magazine Beautiful Living in July 2016 under the headline, “Made for pop-art.”

Made for pop-art

Made for pop-art

Magazine Beautiful Living, no. 7/2016, p. 82 - 87

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  • Archstyl architects
  • Černyševského 26
  • 851 01 Bratislava
